OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Confirm some Zimmerman numbers

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  • #61889


    I have a very default Zimmerman configuration.

    Temp 20C (100%) , Rain 0mm (100%) , Humidity 30% (100%)

    The current diagnostics looks about correct:

    Humidity 92%
    Mean Temp 17.9 C
    Percip Today 13mm

    Indeed we are currently very much in a torrential downpour and 13mm sounds about correct.

    Putting 13mm into

    13mm is 1/2 inch so we should be at 0% watering ratio now. 50 * 1/100 * -2% = -100%

    From a practical point of view we are flooding so 0% sounds entirely correct.

    However the watering ratio is currently 65 %.

    Firmware version: 2.1.8 (3)
    App version 2.0.1
    Hardware version 3.0 – AC

    Attached diagnostic screen shot.

    I tried a reboot to see if it made any difference.



    I should have added – I’m fairly sure that such rain fall before was resulting in a zero %.



    The weather data you see on diagnostics is not the same as what’s used to calculate the watering percentage — I know this is an issue that we need to fix. Instead, you should use the weather API:
    the result of which will show rawData. That’s the exact data used to calculate the watering percentage.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Confirm some Zimmerman numbers