Maybe you could save me some searching by posting the manufacturer and part number for the (cable end) sprinkler and com connectors? I couldn’t find any markings on them.
I built an 8 channel sprinkler simulator (resistor, LED, parallel diode) for the testing phase and decided it would be a handy thing to keep around.
OK, it was a long and winding road but I got there in the end 🙂 The sprinkler/com connectors can be found inexpensively in small quantities on ebay by searching for “5.08-8P” and “5.08-2P”.
Hi, sorry about my late reply. I have been on vacation the past week and have just come back and started reply to forum posts. You are right — the part numbers are 2EDG5.08-8P and 2EDG5.08-2P. We actually carry these in our store:
Looks like you found them on eBay. Good find.
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