OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Controls at the main unit

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    You look like you’ve developed an awesome product, but i’m a little hesitant to purchase because i need to be able to operate the sprinkler control from the main control unit as well as via the web. I could swear i watched a video where you showed how to control the zones from the unit itself, but i can’ t find it anymore, and the online documentation doesn’t go into detail on operation from the controller itself.

    My concern is not with me, but with my landscaper who will do maintenance on my system a few times per yer, needs to be able to turn zones on and off from the control unit not from a web interface. Can you send me some documentation on its operation from the unit and not the web interface? Programming via the web is great, but when my lawn guy comes to adjust heads etc he needs to be able to enter my garage and turn on and off zones from the main unit. Any info you can provide would be a great help. Thanks!!




    The only control feature on the main unit is the self-test, which turns on each station for a specified amount of time one by one. This is activated by pressing pushbutton B1 while starting the controller.

    I am curious what kind of controls you want your landscaper to have. If you want the landscaper to be able to set a complete set of programs on the unit, you probably should look at other options. The OpenSprinkler is designed for web-based programming, and its 3-button interface is not suitable for setting programs manually on the unit itself.



    Thanks Ray,
    I will do the programming and the web. An example would be that my landscaper wants to seed my lawn and run the zones manually via the control unit in my garage. He should be able to turn on a zone at a time for a few minutes just to we the grass. He doesn’t need to program from the unit, just override some settings by turning on a zone manually instead of waiting for a program to run.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Controls at the main unit