OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Cutting the Weather Underground cord (homebrew solution)

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    So over the weekend I finally bit the bullet and migrated off the WU cloud API service and onto a homebrew local solution.

    I am lucky as the Ambient Weather station that I own can be “hacked” to allow redirecting the weather data stream to a server of your choice. Since I’m locally hosting the Open Sprinkler app and weather service already, I decided to add a WU format endpoint to the weather service code written by Samer and Ray. Now my weather station streams to my local weather service that then feeds my OSPi zimmerman calculation avoiding the WU cloud entirely.

    Not sure how many other could actually benefit from this as it requires: 1) redirecting your weather data to a local machine rather than WU cloud server (see this great article by Pat O’Brien here); 2) having an “always on” machine that can receive the data stream and can run nodejs (e.g. linux, windows or ospi/raspberry pi platform) and; 3) installing a modified version of the opensprinkler weather service (see my github feature_local_weather branch). Happy to talk anyone through this if useful.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Cutting the Weather Underground cord (homebrew solution)