OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Darksky seems to be EOL and not allowed anymore!


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    Thanks Ray.
    It has not rained here for several days, so difficult to say if it works now… Will check when we have a bit of rain, not before several days it looks like.
    Thanks again,



    I have now run the OpenSprinkler for several weeks since the update.
    There is still an issue on the weather retrieval. In particular, it looks like there is a large delay on the rain retrieved from the weather service and the reality.
    For instance, it rained on Saturday here. On that same day and Sunday, there was no rain reported by the diagnostic in OpenSprinkler system status, despite saying that the call to the service was successfull less than a couple of hours before.
    Yesterday on Monday the weather was super dry and hot… but weather Service shows rainfall pretty high (successful call to the service one hour ago).
    It looks like the rainfall data is always 2 days old at least. I have experienced this behavior consistently for the last weeks since the update.



    Which weather adjustment method are you using? Please note that Zimmerman and ETo use different weather data: Zimmerman uses historic data while ETo uses forecast data.



    Hi Ray, I am using ETo.
    I was not aware ETo was using forecast. I will move away from Eto then, as this is too risky.
    Nevertheless, Eto reports rain for 7.4mm right now, while all weather forecasts (checked 3 different sources) plan for no rain within the next 5 days (first rain planned for Saturday for 3mm).
    As a result, my watering % is now set at 0% while it is super hot with no rain expected before Saturday.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Darksky seems to be EOL and not allowed anymore!