OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Debug/print method without serial/etc connection?

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    Is there an established way to print to a log/buffer/etc which can then be retrieved via the Web interface?

    I’m talking old-school printf style debug 🙂 But without needing to unwire my OS and carry it next to my desktop.

    I’m thinking if logs (json data stored locally on the OS?) can be retrieved… why not simple ASCII? No UART/FTDI/etc.


    EDIT: could I start from server_json_log and create server_ascii_log and add an ip/al (instead of jl)… just trying to find quick and dirty. Biggest issue might be to make sure to do house-keeping



    You can implement this feature. There is no technical barrier: you can write the log information to a file, and have a http end point similar to /jl and /db to print out the log information. Probably the biggest constraint is that there is not much flash memory space: there is only a total of 2MB spare flash memory, which has to be shared by the data files, regular log files. The more debug log file takes, the less space it is there for the regular log files.

    Another option is to send debug information through MQTT: as the firmware already supports MQTT, just set up a MQTT broker on some computer, and send debug information through that. This takes no flash memory space and is relatively fast.



    thanks.. not previously familiar with MQTT… reading and learning how to install a local MQTT on my linux box.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Debug/print method without serial/etc connection?