OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Debugging flow rate logging

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  • #59942


    Dear all,

    I am operating the Sprinkler PI (the extension board for Raspberry Pi version) with 8 Rainbird valves. I have connected hunter sprinklers for the grass and different types of mirco dripping systems for the flower beds. Everything is working fine.

    Now I have installed a Dry-contact, 2-wire flowsensors (GSD8_DN15) with 1pulse/liter.

    If one of the grass areas is running, the current flow shown in the App seems correct (ca. 18 l/minute) and after finishing the irrigation run the total water consumption is logged correctly in the log.
    Unfortunately, this seems not to be working correct with the dripping system. If the mirco dripping is running, the current flow shows 0 l/minute (and sometimes switches to 2 l/minute). And the consumption stored in the log is 0 L (which is definitely not correct).
    -> See picture 1

    The strange thing is, that there are other moments, where even shorter runs of the same dripping system produces a log entry
    -> See picture 2

    Is there a possibility to read in real time the pulse count on the raspberry Pi? Or has anyone another debugging idea?



    The real-time flow count uses a 30-second window. If the flow is so slow that it doesn’t even click in 30-seconds of time, it will end up being calculated as 0. You can modify the window size by going to defines.h, and change the flow count window size:
    to something larger, like 60 seconds, or whatever that guarantees there is at least one click within the window period.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Debugging flow rate logging