OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App delete my index.html can someone give me a copy please

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  • #40122


    can someone please send me a copy of index.hmtl that was located on folder of PI /var/www/index.html. I accidentally replace that file with another index whenI was trying to install a garage opener program. Now i cant sign on my sprinkler web browser. or can someone give me a link where i can get them or find them



    /var/www/index.html has nothing to do with log on — it’s just a README page with some useful information. If you can’t log on to the system, the issue must be somewhere else that has nothing to do with index.html



    that’s kind of weird. it used to work until i accidentally replaced it with an index.html from a garage door web browser. that’s the only thing that’s been replace or deleted.

    I tried re-downloading the files again from github and reinstalling it and its not working. do you know how to uninstall it completely? i googled it it seem like there is not how about it. I know i can always format my sd and start new but why got to the process if its just that index.html that I’m messing.

    thanks for you reply by the way..



    Instructions for installing/uninstalling the OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware is on our support page, specifically this link:

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App delete my index.html can someone give me a copy please