OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Device not detected

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  • #22507



    I want to update my opensprinkler with the hardware 1.4u to the latest firmware.

    I read the tutorial about it, but my unit is not detected by the computer when i connect the USB cable.
    There is any procedure during boot or so?

    Best Regards



    My last POST is SOLVED.

    When i see the video with the new 1.8.3 Firmware i noticed that the unit can work with only the USB power, so i checked the USB conector.

    The sent USB conector only have 2 Pins at the center (and 2 Big ones for GND and support, at left and right).

    So i removed the USB conector from the board, make a USB cable that connects to the circuit and now power up and is detected.

    Update done.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Device not detected