OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Beagle (OSBo) Difference between hardware version 1.0 and 1.1

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    I purchased a OpenSprinkler Beagle at Maker Faire at the San Mateo fairgrounds last year but I never got around to building and installing it. It appears that a new hardware version has come out since and I must be looking in the wrong places because I can’t seem to see what differences there are. From pictures, it appears like the newer version has the Beagle installed at an angle for some reason. Why is that? Does the same software for 1.1 work for 1.0?



    The difference between 1.0 and 1.1 is that 1.0 uses an off-the-shelf enclosure with custom cutouts; 1.1 uses the OpenSprinkler injection-molded enclosure. There is practically no difference in hardware features/components.



    I finally built my OpenSprinkler Beaglebone device. Once physically set-up, I booted up the device and got all the updates and got everything programmed via my computer. It appears as if everything works properly. I grabbed a solenoid and connected one lead to the common and one to station 1. I then set it to manually run station 1. Again, it appears as if everything works properly, but nothing happens. I’ve made an educated guess that ~24 VAC should be detected between common and an activated station… is that a correct guess? There is no voltage between between either of the common pins to any of the station pins as I manually change stations from one to the next. Interestingly, there is ~29 VAC between either of the common pins to either of the rain-sensor pins. I’m at a loss as to what to do next.



    Well, I finally got it working.

    I ended up imaging Ubuntu 14.04.2 onto the internal memory of my BBB. After updating Ubuntu, I followed the instructions at to ensure that was setup… I don’t know if that step was important before installing the Unified firmware at . At least it works now. Because I did not use the normal Opensprinkler image, I unfortunately do not have the “demos” folder… I’m not sure if I really need it though.



    It’s ok to install and compile the firmware yourself. The demos folder is not necessary for the firmware.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Beagle (OSBo) Difference between hardware version 1.0 and 1.1