OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Beagle (OSBo) differences between OSPi and OSBo

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    Trying to decide which variation to get.  I noticed a price difference so thought there might be some hardware differences.  After some digging around it looks like the pi version includes an A/D converter and the Bo does not.  I don’t see anything about analog inputs here:

    But I think the BBB includes A/D inputs.  Not sure if they are brought out on the Bo or even what I might use them for.  🙂

    Do both versions provide connections for the other header pins so I could add other things?  (I know that the spacing will be altered so standard expansion boards won’t directly fit.)

    Would like to have local status so might try to add an LCD or some such…




    You are right that BBB has build-in analog pins so there is no need to add extra ADC chip. Other than that, the price difference also comes from the fact that OSPi is in much higher demand than OSBo.

    Both versions have pinouts for all available GPIO pins. You can take a look at the user manual for details:
    For ospi:
    For osbo:

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Beagle (OSBo) differences between OSPi and OSBo