I had asked about a feature request at https://github.com/salbahra/OpenSprinkler-Controller/
I have the extension board on my system that allows for control of 16 valves, although, I only use 9 of them. It would be nice if on the manual control page, only the valves in use were displayed. For instance, I have my valve labels as [fy]Zone (front yard), and [by]Zone (back yard). Those that aren’t used have the same label of NC (no connection). So as you iterate the labels to render on the page, you just skip those with the ‘NC’ label. (or whatever the user wants to associate with an unused valve).
The Response Received:
I am not sure handling this in the mobile app is the best solution. This is because the firmware won’t echo the same changes. Instead, maybe we could add an enable/disable station flag. Something similar to ignore rain or activate master station. If this is something you would like to suggest feel free to post on Ray’s forums.
Would this be possible?