Hi there.
I have been using the ETo water level on our OpenSprinkler hardware.
App version: 2.4.49
Firmware: 2.2.1
Hardware Version: 3.2-AC
Suddenly, a few days ago, the ETo went to 0%. It’s never done this before.
I was using the Default(Apple) provider, so yesterday I changed providers (to Pirate Weather) assuming that there was some issue with Apple. Immediately, the ETo went to about 70%.
However, last night, the ETo went to 0% again.
I tried rebooting and turning off-on ETo, and it always goes back to 0%.
Nothing has changed in the network or configuration; in fact, we have been out of town for 2 weeks so I am doing all of this remotely via a VPN.
Any ideas on how to debug or solve this?