OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Exceeding Wunderground API Calls

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    @rongross: while OpenSprinkler Pi and Beagle would be able to make weather queries directly, the microcontroller-based OpenSprinkler is not powerful enough to parse the queries directly, due to the difficulty of processing complex XML data. Therefore it’s necessary to relay it through a cloud server (you can use your own server if needed). Basically the server parses the XML data and reduces it to a few simple numbers and return it to OpenSprinkler.



    @Ray: thank you for the explanation, now I understand.  Is the parsing code available for me to keep it locally?



    Yes, you can host the weather script on other servers, or a local server on your network. The firmware currently doesn’t support changing the weather script path in the UI (this will be added in the next version). But you can also re-compile the firmware to change the weather script path.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Exceeding Wunderground API Calls