OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Externnal WiFi Antenna

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  • #47525


    Hi there,

    I would like to install an OpenSprinkler at home. Currently, the sprinkler controller installation is done in a basement outside our main building. Unfortunately, the WiFi signal does not reach the basement, so I have been thinking about ways to make OpenSprinkler work. The easiest idea I came up with is to add an external WiFi antenna to the OpenSprinkler and wire this antena to the surface, where the WiFi signal is good enough. Would any external USB antenna work or would I need to install specific drivers and fight with the software? Any other idea to make the setup work?




    I personally love Powerline connections for this situation. You can use it as the backhaul for an access point to the basement allowing you to have wifi for all your devices, including OpenSprinkler.



    There are a few different versions of ESP8266 chip that allows external antenna. Although we don’t stock boards with these chips, if you need you can place a custom order where we can replace the existing ESP8266 with a version that supports external antenna.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Externnal WiFi Antenna