OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Feature Request: Actions via Email?

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  • #42650


    Just installed an OpenSprinkler using a Raspberry Pi and some board I picked up on eBay a year or so ago.

    Super impressed thus far, especially with the iOS app. Thanks to everyone that has contributed.

    My original thought, when I was going to try and write my own, was that it would be nice to allow actions via email. So basically if the weather forecast shows more than a 50% chance of rain, send me an email. In the email would be a button offering to “cancel” that day’s watering. There would be no login or anything required, the link has a unique GUID for that request and it allows for an easy way to cancel the schedule if my look outside differs from the actual weather forecast.


    Is it something that could be achieved?



    Sending notifications is fairly easy to do. Sending an email with a button that you can click to trigger an action is a bit more involved. As you said, you can generate a unique GUID and attach that to the email. This requires some bookkeeping of the GUID. It’s doable, but I would rather not want to make this a standard feature as I am not sure how many users would like this feature. You are certainly welcome to modify the firmware source code yourself to add such features.



    nice idea,

    you can write a python script that check the OS API (simple JSON http request) and then send a mail.
    With the mail you can send the API-command (just a URL) to stop watering for x minutes.

    An other email feature could be a week or month report of the watering time.
    x hours watering was sheduled
    y hours watering are done

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OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Feature Request: Actions via Email?