OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Feature request: Station stop time for RF outlets

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  • #36719


    When controlling lights I will be able to turn them on at sunset, which is wonderful, but I would also like to turn them off at a set time.

    At the moment, I can only set a duration or  a number of minutes after sunset. This is going to force me to constantly adjust the program to get the lights off at bed time.

    I am about to implement RF controlled power outlets on my OSPi and would love to see this feature added.




    We are working on this. Currently since program settings do not have a concept of ‘stop time’, our work-around is to allow the ‘duration’ to be the time between sunset to sunrise. This should satisfy the immediate need to use OpenSprinkler for switching lights (from sunset to sunrise). The change should be included in the next firmware numbered 2.1.4. Thanks.



    Ray, if I understand you correctly, the next update will allow for the ‘duration’ to be the time between sunrise and sunset (or vice versa), but not a specific time of the day? If so, I think I there are many users who would like to have a specific stop time implemented, eg turn lights on at sunset and off at 11:00pm every night. I personally don’t want my backyard lights on all night while sleeping. If this is already the case with the new update then please forgive me for this wasted post.

    Thank you as always for your hard work on this project, it is truly enjoyable seeing OpenSprinkler grow and evolve.



    I’ve just responded to this question here:

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OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Feature request: Station stop time for RF outlets