OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) get program list which consist specific station

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  • #35243


    Hello ,

    I have used this url http://XX.XXX.XXX.XX:XX/jp?pw=opendoor to get program list
    Now my query is we need to get program list which consist specific station for example

    When i am giving input like

    Ipaddress: XX.XXX.XXX.XX:XX
    password: opendoor
    station number: 4

    Then only get all programs list that used station number 4

    2. Query is how to create program with specific station number

    Please advice me



    I think your post is broken or something, I can’t fully understand what you mean. If I guessed it correctly, you want a API that can return the list of programs for a specific station, is that right? To be honest I don’t think it’s worth adding this feature in the firmware — it can be easily done in your client software. For example, if you use Javascript, you can easily write some code to strip away programs that do not include a specific station.

    Also, it will help to understand your application. Why are you using the /jp command directly, instead of using the GUI to check programs?

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) get program list which consist specific station