OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Guidance on Web UI customizations?

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  • #40838



    I’ve been using OpenSprinkler since this spring and am very happy with the operation. I have a system with 20 zones and would like to know the best way to overlay the zones onto a survey map I have of my property. That would make the opening page of the UI much more useful as opposed to descriptions. I’m willing to start coding it up myself and post the results back to the community, but would someone could give me a three/four paragraph hint on where to start that would be great (I’m mostly a low-level HW/FW engineer, not as versed in web/UI programming).






    The source code for the current OpenSprinkler app can be found on our Github page:

    The firmware source code is also there (although I don’t think you need to modify the firmware). If you want to modify the opening page to display a map instead of list, you can probably directly change the homepage layout of the app. Another way is to have your custom homepage as a separate homepage, and you can query the device for the list of stations (names and attributes) for display.

    The HTTP GET commands that the firmware supports are all described in the API documents:
    (2.1.6 being the latest firmware).



    Did this Project ever get completed? I would love to have a map view of my property with all the zones shown on it.



    “Did this Project ever get completed? I would love to have a map view of my property with all the zones shown on it.”

    +1 on this. I too would love to have a map view for zone locations.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Guidance on Web UI customizations?