OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests having more than 1 column of zones on screen

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  • #46299


    I have 32 zones, + another 12 remote GPIO zones. Having a never ending screen to scroll down, especially on small tablets is very tiresome.

    Any suggestions on how i could potentially “wrap” the view to keep them all in A-Z order , multicolumn, fit to screen.

    Modifying code is welcome, just any pointers on where to start would be great.

    -standard OS latest firmware



    The main issue is that in order to allow maximum number of characters in each station name, it’s unlikely two columns will fit in one row. In landscape mode it’s definitely possible but in portrait mode the width of the screen is pretty narrow and I don’t think it’s possible to fit two columns (unless if we limit the station name to be less than 16 characters or something like that).

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OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests having more than 1 column of zones on screen