OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App How do I swap stations?

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    After many years the cable from my old open sprinkler to the valves (20 meters) failed and so I ran a new 8 wires cable for my 7 valves (plus the common one).

    Despite paying attention I must have bungled somewhere and now my Wall2 and Wall3 are reversed meaning that if I run the Wall2 programs I am actually opening the Wall3 sprinklers and viceversa.

    I must be really dumb but could not find an easy way of moving the Wall2 program to Wall3 and viceversa.

    I’d really want to avoid swapping the physical wires if at all possible.

    Can any kind soul give me guidance on where to perform this change in either the mobile or the web application?

    Thank you



    Are you talking about to individual zones or two sets of zones? If it’s two individual zones, then I think swapping wires would be the easiest. If this is referring to two sets of zones, could you provide more specifics, like how many zones are there in each set? It’s possible to edit the configuration file and re-import that to the controller.



    Hi Ray,
    good to know you’re ok, even if we’ve never met 🙂

    At last I just swapped the two wires at the valves and carried on with life as usual 🙂

    I wasn’t even aware of the “set” concept. I’m using OS to water my small 100 sw meters garden with 7 different sectors/valves.

    Take care

    PS This cabling thing was a major upgrade for me. 7-8 years ago when I built my system I thought it was smart to use an Ethernet cable from OS to the valves (25 meters approx). BAD CHOICE. The single ethernet conductors are very thin and brittle and in the years failed a few times. I now upgraded to an 8 0,5 conductor cable which is a lot easier to peel/join and has much less of a voltage drop.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App How do I swap stations?