OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App How to build the UI apps

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  • #51669


    I am planning to add provision for a moisture sensor to my OS3. On the firmware side, this is reasonably straight forward.
    For me the UI side presents more of a challenge, mostly because of all the cross platform stuff. Looking at the source, it appears that Apache Cordova is being used to build the Apps. It also appears that VSCode is probably being used to maintain the code base. It would be useful if the developer or anyone one else who has modified the UI, could provide some guidance about how the system is built and on what platform it is being built.

    While I can probably figure out how to modify the server hosted UI, it would be nice if I had some guidance on how to build the Android app.



    An easier route is to bypass the app and just set up a HTTP page to display whatever sensor value you need to display. For example, the change script_url page:
    or ap_udpate page:
    are both done this way. The downside is that it’s not hooked up to the mobile app, but like in the above examples you can access these pages by directly typing in:
    or http://x.x.x.x/update
    this only requires changes on the firmware side.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App How to build the UI apps