OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware How to upgrade old OpenSprinkler firmware?

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    I have an OpenSprinkler 2.3(AC) running firmware 2.1.5(2). I recently had to replace its power supply, and this has inspired me to look at upgrading its very out-of-date firmware.

    I’ve reviewed the OpenSprinkler 2.x Firmware Update Guide, and it leaves a lot of questions unanswered.

    • Where do I download the newer firmware? (The link within the guide is broken, and I can’t find a Downloads section anywhere on the web site.)
    • After flashing the new firmware, how do I connect to the controller to restore the configuration? (Presumably it’s IP address will be reset.)
    • I serve static content from my reverse proxy, rather than from the controller. How do I go about setting this up with the new firmware?

    Pointers appreciated.



    The link is not broken. Try to use a private browsing window or clear your browse cache. It may be that your browser has cached an old and outdated link.

    The firmware update instructions say specifically to save a copy of your configurations so you can import them after the firmware upgrade, to restore settings.

    I’m not sure about static content from your reverse proxy. You need to provide more details.



    The link is not broken. Try to use a private browsing window or clear your browse cache. It may be that your browser has cached an old and outdated link.

    The guide links to, which redirects to, which leads to page that shows “Oops! That page can’t be found. Tested with curl, so there’s no browser caching involved.

    The firmware update instructions say specifically to save a copy of your configurations so you can import them after the firmware upgrade, to restore settings.

    Indeed. But if the update wipes the IP configuration, how am I supposed to connect to the controller post-update to restore the configuration?

    I’m not sure about static content from your reverse proxy. You need to provide more details.

    The web app normally pulls a bunch of static content from, but I’ve got mine set to pull it from a local server (by setting the “Script URL” at http://<OS hostname>/su. I assume that I would at a minimum need to update the content on my local server, but (again) I can’t find any documentation of how to do so.



    I see, I figured out the link issue: it should be NOT http (i.e. secure vs. non-secure). It has been fixed now. Please try again.

    Are you using static IP assignment on OpenSprinkler? If so, yes that will be erased so it goes back to DHCP mode. You can always click button B1 to find the IP address it’s assigned by the router. In fact, we always recommend not changing DHCP settings on OpenSprinkler, instead, use the router’s DHCP reservation to reserve a fixed IP, that’s a much better way to manage fixed IP.

    After you upgrade the firmware, and find out the IP address, then you can still go to:
    to change the UI link to your local server. You should probably update the content on your local server too, as new firmwares generally have new features that require matching UI files. If you don’t upgrade the content on your local server, some of the new features won’t be visible.



    I see, I figured out the link issue: it should be NOT http (i.e. secure vs. non-secure). It has been fixed now. Please try again.

    That works. Thanks!

    With that, I’ve managed to successfully update my firmware to 2.2.1 and my web app version to 2.4.1. (It turns out that I already had a DHCP reservation in place that I didn’t even remember creating.)

    I did have to reconfigure my zone names and programs, but that isn’t really a surprise given the gap in versions.



    OK. Thanks for posting the update.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware How to upgrade old OpenSprinkler firmware?