OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) I am looking for a spanish developer

  • This topic has 3 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Anonymous.
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    I am a new user of Opensprinkler Pi, I did buy the product and all things go perfectly but I would like develop new options but I have some questions and I would like speak with some people that understand spanish. Its possible that there are somo people that speak spanish in this forum?



    I speak spanish but may be limited on what I can help you with. What is it that you need?



    how to use DS3231 with atmega 32



    Hola, 951calguy, tal vez tu me puedas ayudar en español, intento hacer funcionar una bomba con OpenSprinkler (OS30 LATCH) no se que relé tengo que montar para que me cierre el contacto de la bomba con un pulso de 1 a 1000ms que da el programador, la alimentación del programador es con una bateria de 12v que se carga con una placa solar, cuando esta totalmente cargada con 13V si funciona el que tengo montado, (es de la marca finder ref. pero en cuanto baja a 12,5V ya no es capaz de activarlo, sin embargo las electrovalvulas que tengo montadas tipo latch si funciona incluso con menos voltaje, gracias de antemano, saludos

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) I am looking for a spanish developer