Hello, I have been trying to implement i2c support for an MCP23017 using the wiringPi library. I have a short piece of code which does the initialization and then toggles successfully through the 16 channels of the 23017 when is part of an independent program. If I use the same code inside the OpenSprinkler::begin(), then nothing happens. I have commented everything out of the ::Begin api, left in just my code, and still don’t see any activity on the i2c bus. I looked through the code to see if there is anything else that could interfere with the i2c, like different pin configuration, but I couldn’t see anything taking place before the ::begin(). Is OS using GPIO2(SDA) and GPIO3(SCL) on Pi 3B+ for something else? I don’t see these 2 pins defined as anything in the defines.h but neither available in the PIN_FREE_LIST.
What am I missing? It just doesn’t make any sense that the same code works fine outside the OpenSprinkler but not when part of the begin() api.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.