OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Improve Even & Odd day scheduling

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  • #44582



    1. I would have expected to be able to set Even or Odd days with an interval that allows EVERY Even day (or every Odd day). However, I am forced to choose 2 days as the minimum interval, and then there is a warning that this may not work with even/odd days.
    In fact, with Odd days starting tomorrow, it works, but only until 12/29 for some reason… 12/31 and beyond show no watering in the Program Preview.

    2. IMHO even/odd should automatically work correctly with an interval of 2.
    Or, allow an interval of 1 and make it work.

    As it is, it’s confusing and not workable.

    App: 1.6.0
    FW: 2.1.7
    HW: OSPi-AC



    An interval of 1 day is equivalent to select a weekday type and check all days from Monday to Sunday.



    Hi Ray,

    I’d like to have my drip lines run on Odd days, and my sprinklers on Even days.
    I can get it working, but the preview only shows it working until the end of the year. (maybe that’s just an issue with preview, I can’t tell)




    Ah, ok. I see. So this is most likely a bug in the preview. Will check it shortly. Thanks for reporting.



    Hi Ray,

    Did you make a fix for this?

    Today, I noticed that several of my sprinkler programs are not going to run at all next month (June).
    I can only guess that it’s confused because today (the 31st) is odd, as is tomorrow.

    I have one set to:
    Use Weather Adj
    4 days
    Starting in 1 day
    Even Days Only

    And the other is set similarly, but to odd days only. (This is because they both cover some overlapping areas, but one is sprinklers and one is drip lines for the citrus trees and pots).

    It’s been working for the last couple months, but I did have to reset it not long ago, and it looks like I’m going to have to again.
    Let me know if you want logs or a backup, or have a test build.

    App: 1.6.0
    FW: 2.1.7
    HW: OSPi-AC




    I’m not sure this is just a preview issue. Maybe.



    Because 4 is a number divisible by 2, you can get into a situation where it may skip all days in a month. For that reason, generally the ‘x’ in every ‘x’ day should be an odd number. For example, let’s say today is an even day, and I set the program to run from today and every 4 days from today, but on odd days only. The program is not going to run at all, because today and every 4 days from today are all even days.

    You can change this by modifying the ‘starting in’ days. For example, in the above situation, if I set the program to run from tomorrow (starting in 1 day) and every 4 days from then on, then it will be able to run.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Improve Even & Odd day scheduling