OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Inconsistent Valve Control

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    I just finished setting up my OSPi today, and was very excited to premiere it for its intended recipient.

    Despite a day of regular testing and experimentation, when show time came around, it was a perfect failure. No activation on toggle of manual control.

    Eventually I power-cycled the system, and my first test worked, but the second one didn’t, and none others worked until I power cycled.

    This is now becoming the pattern, and I want to know how to break it. It was working fine all day!

    I’m using the web interface at /sprinklers (although the same behavior is coming out of the :8080 web service). Usually when toggling, the sprinkler turns green. When it fails, it no longer turns green, it no longer gives me any acknowledgement that it should be green, other than the network activity that comes and goes.

    I’m starting to consider just making my own web interface. I understand there are some scripts that come for managing the GPIO pins, maybe even for checking the weather? I’d love to know how to access those, so I can troubleshoot at that layer, and see if the problem is just the web interface, or those scripts.

    Any ideas for how to get through this would be great.



    I believe this bug was reported by another user and the solution was posted on Github. Please try the latest update of OSPi and let us know if that helps.



    I’ve updated to the latest version (1.0.7) (following, deleted my cookies, and now I get a big red “System Disabled” banner at the top, there are no stations listed, and if I try to turn on manual mode or turn on “Operation” (a new setting as far as I remember), I get a warning “Error communicating with Sprinkler. Please make sure your Password is correct.”

    Any other tips?



    That is odd. I will have to look into this. Does it at least work correctly without the mobile app?



    Same behavior on the desktop 🙁



    When I try to switch “Operation” to “On” it does send a GET request to /sprinklers/index.php?action=en_on, and it gets back a response of “0”, if that narrows it down at all.



    I actually got the :8080 working reliably, maybe I was mistaken that it wasn’t working. This may only be a “new mobile interface” issue.



    Okay that’s what I was trying to narrow down. I will see what I can do in regard to this.




    Honestly, I am not able to re-create the issue. Can you help me by creating a step by step list of instructions to re-create the problem?



    @danfinlay: you said

    I’ve updated to the latest version (1.0.7) (following

    , sounds like you were running Rich’s sprinklers_pi program? Note that the sprinklers_pi program has a built-in mobile interface, and it is not the same with Dan’s interval program (which is what OpenSprinkler mobile app supports).



    Ah thank you Ray! I wasn’t paying enough attention.

    The mobile app only supports the interval program (default on Arduino). For OSPi users, this is provided by Dan’s interval program (named OSPi hence the confusion). This is available here:

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Inconsistent Valve Control