OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Interface and Weather Data

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  • #38040



    Two things;

    – I’ve drafted up a module for interfacing Opensprinkler to Misterhouse. Pretty basic, it allows for Misterhouse to be aware of when stations and programs are active and Misterhouse can turn stations and programs on and off. If anyone is interested it’s on my github misterhouse project, under the opensprinkler branch (

    – Would it be at all possible to expose some of the weather details through the OS? I’m trying to figure out a method to determine if it’s raining outside. Rather than crafting another module that pulls from weatherunderground, it would be nice to see the weather details that the OS tracks — rain rate, rain total, and if it’s actually raining. Thoughts on this?



    Thanks again for the MH module hplato!

    You do raise a good point on the weather data. It would be great to get access to this for other HA/IoT purposes. Since we are limited to 500 API calls per day and 10 API calls per minute with the wunderground’s free developer service plan, using the same API key with another consumer service will likely push the request volume/rate above that which is permitted under the service plan. With (cloud-based) ET support on the horizon, is this something better suited for the (or our own hosting environment if desired) cloud APIs to support as it could cache the wunderground data for requesting clients w/o increasing the wunderground API request volume/rate?

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OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Interface and Weather Data