OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Iphone Web App not connecting

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  • #68768


    Hi all,

    The phone App doesn’t seem to work. It never detects openSprinkler. I think it worked before, but doesn’t now.

    Relevant information
    I have openSprinkler 3.2 AC, firmware 2.1.9(2) and app version 2.2.1. Iphone 7, IOS14.1

    More detailed information;
    * I can connect with the IP address using my PC and a web page.
    * I have power cycled OS and restored factory settings
    * I have restarted the phone, deleted the app and reloaded the ap
    * When I go into the app and “Scan for device”, it cycles through 4 different device types and says “no new devices were found”

    I’m wondering if it’s caused by an update to the iPhone OS version.

    Is anyone else having this problem or know how to fix it?

    Thank you



    Hi all,

    Wow, it’s working now.
    It appears there may have been another browser window open (different browser), but even so, it seems like all the resets and restarts would have cleared that out.
    I’m now 100% sure what made it start working, but since it is now, this thread can be closed.


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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Iphone Web App not connecting