OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions List of RF outlets that work with OpenSprinkler?

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  • #73913

    Alan Johnson

    Does anybody know of a list of RF outlets that can be controlled by an OpenSprinkler?

    So far I’ve tried the following:

    1. Etekcity ZAP 5LX – Works correctly with OpenSprinkler, but not rated for outdoor use
    2. HBN Outdoor/Indoor – Does NOT work correctly with OpenSprinkler. RFToy will record the code from the remotes, but the playback does nothing.

    Also, the RFToy forums appear to be non-functioning. You can read them while logged out, but when you log in trying to navigate to that forum produces an error.



    Etekcity power sockets generally work. The limitation of the firmware is that it only works with power sockets that use protocol 1 (this is also the most common type). I am aware of some sockets which use other types of protocols. In theory the firmware can handle any types of protocols, but at the moment the RF code does not indicate the protocol type and defaults to use protocol 1.


    Alan Johnson

    Thank you for the reply!

    I would like to play around with the firmware a bit and see if I can get some other outlets working.

    Do you happen to have a guide anywhere for building the RFToy or OpenSprinkler firmware from source? In particular getting the necessary dependencies set up? Running “make” in the firmware directory doesn’t trivially work.

    I am a software engineer, and have done some PIC and Arduino stuff in the past, but not enough that it is immediately obvious to me what sort of environment I need to set up.



    For opensprinkler firmware, have you looked at the instructions here?


    Alan Johnson

    That’s perfect. Thank you!

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions List of RF outlets that work with OpenSprinkler?