OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Local + remote control

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    is it possible to have a switch enabling me to open/close manually valves or to chose either to operate via remote (web/app)? And when yes, how could i implement it, what do I need?

    Thanks in advance.



    Can you elaborate on how you want to manually open/close valves? Do you need a separate switch for each valve? That would involve a lot of wiring.

    Firmware 2.1.7 supports a Program Switch to be connected to the rain sensor terminal. This allows you to use a switch to trigger Program 1 to run. So if you want to manually test all zones or something, you can use the switch to manually start Program 1. But it won’t allow you to select a specific valve to run.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Local + remote control