OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Log Graph Display Glitch

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  • #23168


    I’ve just begun using my v2.1 unit running v2.0.8 firmware and noticing some trouble with the graph abilities.
    I have two programs running 7 zones, and while the Table view shows watering log data correctly, the Graph view has some errors. (see bar gap attachment)
    Am I misunderstanding the graph, or is there a problem in the graph?

    Also, when I first viewed the graph a few times, I was confused, thinking I was seeing a tremendous overnight cycle on one of my zones in green, and realized later it was the rain sensor. (see rain sensor delay attachment)
    Can this graph viewer provide a toggle/checkbox so we can show/hide the rain sensor and rain delay values in the chart? It would also be extra-cool if your date range and other settings in these views could be persistent – maybe using a cookie on the browser?

    Great product – thanks for this!!



    You can touch the legend. It makes channels appear and disappear from the graph.




    Would you look at that – sure enough, you can show/hide each channel by clicking the legend. Too bad this isn’t persistent, but hey… 😉

    Now for the gap in my graph … is that a bug? Anyone else noticing offsets/gaps in the graph when grouped like I’ve got there?



    The gap is artificial and does not represent a gap in scheduling. Because I currently show all stations at once the gap’s represent a 0 value of the other stations during the 12th hour.

    If you tap to toggle them off, the gap goes away.

    Of course, the logs are not ideal for a mobile device and I am working to improve this.



    Thanks for the reply, salbahra! I’m not sure I follow your explanation, but it’s okay – I simply wanted to make sure this graphic representation was intentional because the graph made me think my program had actually begun watering just after 11am instead of at 12:30pm … the graph simply confused me when both desktop and mobile versions showed the large gap that shouldn’t have been there.

    I confirmed that all zones ran consecutively that day without the large gap in between (not the small gaps between each, the large gap between zone 3 and 4 in my attached image)

    The problem isn’t with the small visual gap between zones, it’s the large gap that’s the problem – it even shows my zone 1-3 in the correct time slot flat down at zero, which made me think they really did run just after 11am instead of after noon…
    Not sure if we were talking about the same ‘gap’ here… ?



    I know what you mean, it’s a work in progress and after this post I have spent some time to hammer out that issue (and a few others). I should have an update soon that also supports the upcoming firmware 2.1.0. Will keep you posted, thanks!

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OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Log Graph Display Glitch