OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Low Flow Rate with Flow Meter

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Ray.
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  • #48893


    I am looking at adding the EKM 3/4″ pulsed output water meter to my system. It has a dry contact pulse every 1/10 cubic foot (about 0.75 gallon, or 2.83 liters.

    I plan on using drip irrigation for one of my zones where the flow should be around .3-.5 gallons per MINUTE. So I should be getting a pulse every 45-60 seconds or so.

    Will this work with OpenSprinkler? Will it show the total amount of water used during a program? I saw elsewhere the flow rate is calculated based on the number of pulses in a 30 second window. Based on my low flow rate I just want to make sure that this will still work.




    Poor form to reply to my own post.

    I believe it will work as I think the number of pulses that occurred in each program will be logged.

    However, the flow rate that is displayed why the program is running might say zero at times.

    Does this sound right?



    It should still work. The real-time flow rate is not going to be accurate any more, since it uses a 30 second window and that means there may not be a pulse reading within that window. But you can either change the window size to be a minute or more, or just ignore the real-time flow rate and only look at the logged flow data. You are right that the number of pulses that occurred in each program will be logged.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Low Flow Rate with Flow Meter