OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Manual water level adjustment has no effect

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    Changing the water level % in manual adjustment mode does not change the station run time

    Arduino v2.3, FW – 2.1.6(1)
    uwt: 0 = manual, wl: 50 = 50%
    Running in this config has no effect on station runtime vs running with wl: 100. Looking through the logs via the mobile app over a period of time shows the Average Water Level as expected, 50% on some time periods and 100% on others, but there is no change in the run time of the stations. The program definitions have remained constant throughout. There are no ‘wl’ events in the log.

    At 50% I expected to see run times that were half the time of the 100% run times. Have others seen this particular config work correctly? Any ideas on what else to look at? Should there have been a wl event in the log when I changed from 100% to 50%?




    Could you clarify the run time you are referring to: is it the program run time, or a manual / run-once program run time? Note that for watering percentage to take effect, a program needs to have the ‘Weather Adjustment’ flag turned on. It might sound unintuitive but the idea is that any adjustment (whether manual or automatic) is considered weather adjustment. And some programs may be for running lights and stations that should not be affected by weather, so the flag is provided as an option.

    Watering percentage does NOT apply to manual or run-once program as these are considered manual overrides.



    These were program run times. I checked my programs and the ‘Weather Adjustment’ flag was off. I probably set it this a while back with the incorrect assumption that ‘Weather Adjustment’ was related to automatic weather adjustment. I’ve set up another test for tomorrow, but I expect that this will take care of it. Thanks!

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Manual water level adjustment has no effect