OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions Master station question

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    I have a pump on station 8.  I have 5 zones 1-5.  I use the master on adjust to 15s and master off adjust to -15s.

    This way when zone 1 comes on, the pump kicks on 15s later.

    then when zone1 shuts off, it actually turns off the pump 15s prior THEN turn off the zone 1 valve.


    Here is my fear.  what happens if one of the valves breaks and doesn’t turn on?  then my pump kicks on and all zones are closed?  Water pressure builds up and what pump breaks? pipe burst?  any failsafe for this?


    edit: is there some water pressure normally closed fail-safe valve?  something that would auto open if water pressure increased above what it would be if another valve opened?



    I might be answering  myself but i think something like this would do:



    Well, I don’t have enough knowledge to answer this question. The water pipes are all designed to endure certain water pressure, right? For example, if you turn off your faucet, the pressure will build up internally but shouldn’t burst your pipe. So are you saying that when the pump kicks in, it creates significantly higher pressure than the normal water pressure inside the pipes?



    yes i believe so.  The pump would be pumping water to a dead end.  so either the valve will break to release the flow or a pipe fitting or pipe.  My thought is if normal operating pressure is 20 psi then I’d configure the relief valve for like 25psi or 30psi.  This would prevent anything from breaking at least.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions Master station question