OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Maximum current per channel?

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  • #78854

    Pierre-Luc Drouin


    I just order an OpenSprinkler AC to drive a 24V AC pool valve and a couple of 120V AC contactors with 24V AC coils. The pool valve draws 0.6A. So the 0.5A power supply will not be sufficient for sure. I wanted to know what is the maximum current per channel that the OpenSprinkler AC can drive, and what is the maximum total current?




    Each channel can drive up to 1 amp. Are you sure your valve draws 0.6A at holding state? Most sprinkler valves draw about 0.2 to 0.25A at holding state (and 0.6A impulse, which is only for a split second when it opens). In any case, the power adapter should be ok to drive a single 0.6A valve as long as you have only one open at a time. You can always buy a 24VAC adapter with larger current rating if needed.


    Pierre-Luc Drouin

    It is for a 2″ pool valve controller (GVA-24). It says 0.6A on it, but I am not sure if it is impulse. I can measure its current draw. There will be only one of these hooked to the OpenSprinkler, plus two contactors, one flow sensor and two temperature probes.



    I can’t find the electric spec sheet of GVA-24. Everywhere I looked, it just says 24V, it doesn’t even specify if this is AC or DC.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Maximum current per channel?