I’m testing the MQTT first time. I start manually Zone1 for 1min, which also starts Zone0 which is a master.
During the run receive the following topics:
1 = {"state":1,"duration":60}
0 = {"state":1}
After 1min expires I receive the following topics:
1 = {"state":0,"duration":60,"flow":0.00}
0 = {"state":0,"duration":60,"flow":0.00}
flow = {"count":1293,"volume":258.60}
After 1min, flow sensor reports the count and volume, but at Zone 1 the flow remains 0. What does “flow” mean here and why it is 0?
App Version: 2.4.48
Firmware: 2.2.1 (1)
Hardware Version: 3.3 – AC
Thank you.