OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Multiple User Accounts? – HOA system

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    I’m just about finished setting up our HOA’s irrigation system with seven OSPi controllers and 20 extenders. One thing we’ll be doing is providing access to our landscaping crew to allow them to test zones and disable operation if needed. Ideally we would be able to provide separate user accounts and avoid having multiple people using the same password. This would make removing access more straightforward if we have a crew change and prevent getting locked out by a user who decides to change the password.

    Does anyone have any suggestions for multiple users?

    It would also be nice to restrict certain users’ abilities. For instance being able to restrict certain users from making changes to the program settings would prevent schedules getting changed by a crew member not on the same page as the HOA board. Not critical but this would be a nice to have feature.



    This frankly would be quite difficult to implement. The device key is currently authenticated on the controller. In order to manage multiple users, it would be necessary for the controller to handle multiple levels of user authentication. This would involve significant changes.



    Thanks for the update Ray. I’m not surprised this is a big task. Maybe someone who has implemented something similar can offer some guidance on how it could be done more easily. Something like how home assistant does user logins. But in the end it is just an irrigation system and the worst case is having to reprogram a controller(s) if someone screws up the system.



    Is the OSPI in a locked shed or something similar? Maybe leave an old iPhone with a security cable in there? Set up with OpenSprinkler app?

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Multiple User Accounts? – HOA system