OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Need to update Raspberry Pi separately from OSPI?

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    This is probably a dumb question but, do I need to update the software packages on Raspberry Pi separately from the update instructions found here?



    Trevor Lien

    Although, logically, I would have thought you DO need to do both Raspberry Pi OS updates and OpenSprinkler Server/OSPi controller software updates *in addition to* the OSPi firmware, I looked and saw no microcontroller on the OSPi hardware… so definitely NOT a ‘dumb question’. Although the word ‘firmware’ usually refers to the portion of a system that runs on the MCU on dedicated hardware/expansion board, I think they might use it differently in the OpenSprinkler world.

    Did you ever find an answer to your question?
    (I would also like to know)

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Need to update Raspberry Pi separately from OSPI?