OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) New Unified Firmware and OSPi

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    What does the new unified firmware mean for OSPi?

    Am I missing something? It looks like it is a replacement for OSPi to be more like the other versions (but missing features like plug-ins).



    The announcement has explained it:
    “The purpose of this is to make a fully consistent firmware for OS, OSPi and OSBo. The program is written in C++, so it’s not as modification-friendly compared to Dan’s Python-based interval_program. Also, there is no plugin architecture currently. However, as I said, the primary goal of this is to make OSPi and OSBo’s firmware maximally compatible with OS, so that any new features introduced in OS will also be simultaneously available to OSPi and OSBo.”


    Dan in CA

    The Python program is actually an independent project started back when things were more DIY oriented.

    To avoid confusion I have been considering changing the name. Any suggestions for a new name would be welcome.




    Hey Dan,  I appreciate all the effort you have put into this…  What’s the chance of some kind of happy reunion of technologies, so we can use the unified platform for our day-to-day use, but also a python-based framework for adding functionality for smarter additions?


    Dan in CA

    A very interesting suggestion!

    Python is used as a scripting language with many types of programs.

    In fact, before Ray introduced the first OSPi board, I had written some Python code to control the Arduino based  OpenSprinkler from a Raspi. There is still a post on my (currently neglected) blog about it:

    I will give this some thought and try some experiments to see what can be done. Probably many/most of the current plugins would need to be re-written. It would be nice to let Ray take care of the core functionality and I could spend more time working on plugins to add new capabilities. My original goal was to have a system that can be easily modified.

    As we enter a fourth year of extreme drought here in California the State Water Resources board is starting to implement some strict water use restrictions. It is an interesting time to be tinkering with irrigation software.




    So, do I get it right when I interpret this as follows?

    For the OSPi there is currently a choice of running the unified soft/firmware and/or the interval_program.

    Will the Android app work with both?




    The Android app currently supports both and yes you are correct you have a choice between the Python firmware (Dan’s OSPi) or the C++ firmware (Ray’s Unified).



    Are there some changes to OS that are currently not available on an OSPi still running the inervals peogramme 2.2.43 ?



    The two are completely different at this point.

    The Python program was based on firmware 1.8.3 and has not adopted many of the new features especially with 2.1.0+ (such as the per station watering times).

    The Python program just got renamed to SIP by Dan and has taken a different direction from the Unified firmware. The focus around the Python version are plugins and easy user customization and additions.



    Thank you for the useful informstion.



    Will the python version adopt any of the newer features like the per station watering times?



    That project is run by Dan Kimberling who contributes everything in his free time. I believe he has a rewrite planned but I am not sure of the planned feature changes.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) New Unified Firmware and OSPi