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  • #42325



    I plan to replace a rainbird with OpenSprinkler PI. The PI is here, the hardware is in transit.

    I have nosers for grass, and several drip zones for plants and crops.

    I successfully installed the hardware on a PI image I know and which is well maintained(domoticz). I’ve linked the mobile app (which has a bug as the keyboard disappear if there is a non ascii in the password…).

    Now I have several questions:
    – how do I use a specific PWS ? Using the map is great but my specific station is more relevant that proposed one from Wunderweather.
    – how can I use my own data for irrigation given I have many more sensors for each zone (leaf wetness, soil humidity, wind, rain, humidity sensor, whole house reed water usage…)

    Thanks for your guidance,



    ok first point I got the solution for I had the PWS on the map, good !

    second point still open.

    a new issue: the TP-Link in client mode works well but refuses to route to some IP, so bad for me it is a Synology NAS and I don’t know why even ping does not work, any idea ? (no ping onboard Synology…)



    “how can I use my own data for irrigation given I have many more sensors for each zone”
    –> I think this requires modifying the firmware. I am not sure how you plan to use your own data, do you have a formula or something? In any case, I think it will require modifying the firmware.




    My onpesprinkler is live from yesterday !

    I am now trying to have the hardware clock working.

    The TP-Link issue is still open, had very few return from their support.

    I’ve tried to run OverlayFS on it but have somme issues when rebooting: http://blog.pi3g.com/2014/04/make-raspbian-system-read-only/

    For the integration, as I understand, if I have my own formula, I would need to have it “custom” watering per sprinkler and I guess posting through the API the watering adjustment is the right way for that ?



    You said ‘TP-Link in client mode works well but refuses to route to some IP,’ — could you be more specific? In Client mode, the TP-Link adapter should simply pass packets through and OpenSprinkler should be getting an IP that’s in the network of the router.

    The OpenSprinkler API document can be found on our website: http://opensprinkler.com/support, Solutions -> API documents



    Yes I agree… and there is very few configuration in it for that.

    I can ping every IP in my 192.168.0.* network but not my Synology NAS in both ways… I did put it on a computer same issue, but with its own wifi adapter (even on raspi) I can ping the NAS. So fat TP-Link have not answer to my support request… same subnet… nothing exotic at all…



    Is there any particular reason you use the TP-LINK WiFi adapter, as opposed to a WiFi USB dongle? Since you are using Raspberry Pi, the WiFi USB dongle is a more common solution for wireless connection.



    True, but I did follow what I understood at that time. Also it has a lot better bandwith management than the standard one, even the AC300 surprinsingly !

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