OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions opensprinkler pump start relay wiring question

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  • #47854


    Hi all,

    I just purchased a opensprinkler v3.0 ac powered model. Before I rip out my old rain bird timer I wanted to make sure I was going to be able to nail wiring the first time with a orbit pump start relay 57009-PS2 and 3 zones (orbit 3 zone manifold). My question is whether I purchased the correct version of the opensprinkler unit (ac powered ) for my current configuration. I have attached two pictures of the current wiring, and if I just follow it to a “T” on the opensprinkler unit. And then do I define zone 1 as the master valve, as the com wire would go to a com port and then zone 1 would be defined after setup as the master valve?

    Let me know if I have my head wrapped around this, and thank you.



    Only posted one photo, but from your one photo and what you described, the answer is Yes, correct.



    Pump start relay is typically wired up just like a normal sprinkler zone: there is a common wire, and there is a pump start relay wire (think of it as a zone wire). On other sprinkler controllers, there is often a dedicated port for pump starter relay (or master zone), on OpenSprinkler, it is software defined, and in general you can just dedicate zone 1 for it (in software you can define any zone as the master zone).

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions opensprinkler pump start relay wiring question