OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler on Raspberry Pi (1) Model B

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    I have a Raspberry Pi Model B. I somewhere read that OpenSprinkler isn’t supported in that platform but it was an old post. Can anyone please help answer this question? If not, can anybody point me to an alternate solution for this?

    I installed a 4 port relay with my pi and was able to test the relay with some Python scripts. If I plan to manually turn on/off with my python script, what kind of power supply would I need to turn on/off the sprinkler valves?

    Thanks and much appreciate any input.



    Just an update. I was able to locate an SD card image with OSPI installed. I have that up and running but how do I configure which ports(GPIO) have my relay and valves connected to? Would appreciate some help.




    If I understand this and your related post, you are trying to use a Raspberry Pi to control a relay board using OS firmware? If this is correct then it would be useful to know the version number of the firmware (you can find this from the About menu in the web app). The GPIO Station functionality requires the latest Firmware version 2.1.6 (2).

    If you are not on the latest Firmware then you will need to upgrade using the instruction on the support website (link).

    In the latest firmware, you should see a new advanced configuration option when you select the settings cog of a station in the browser. You should see a GPIO Station option that lets you associate a GPIO pin with a station.

    Let us know if that resolves the problem.



    Hi Pete,
    Thanks for the response. I have downloaded the firmware from this URL: stated in this document (page 6):

    it says “The latest version: OSPi SD Card Image 2 (with Unified Firmware, update 05/31/15) MD5SUM: edc2264a267d7330441855bafdb69dea”

    When I go home, I can give you the exact firmware version. So if I am in the right version, OpenSprinkler is ready to be used with my setup? I was reading some of the threads today and came across one that suggested to use this plugin:
    Do I still need this plugin? Do I need to install the “Alternative Firmware: the sprinklers_pi Program” ? or the Unified Firmware is good?

    Thanks again for helping me with this.



    I got the program to work. Thanks for your help.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler on Raspberry Pi (1) Model B