OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware OpenSprinkler V1.0 Firmware missing

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    I did a terrible thing and accidentally over-wrote the firmware on my OpenSprinkler 1.0. The good news is that my OpenSprinkler displays “hello world” on the serial port just fine! I don’t have access to a ISP Programmer. Is there someplace where I can get the source/firmware for version 1.0?

    Mike B.
    Riverview, FL

    P.S. – I don’t know if this helps or not, but I do have access to the Standalone AVR ISP Programmer Shield Kit.



    GitHub keeps the entire commit history. You can go to the history list and download a previous version of the repository. Here is the direct link:
    I think the version committed on June 19, 2012 should still work with FTDI programmer. However, since you have an ISP programmer, I would recommend you to upgrade to the latest firmware (1.8.2). You need to solder a 2×3 pin header to your v1.0 board, and then you can upload a .hex file using your ISP programmer.



    I hate to sound like a total newbie, but is there an easy way to extract the entire repository as of a certain date?



    I am not sure, you should check GitHub. But I believe you can do a ‘git checkout’ followed by the commit hash code (the number shown on each commit record, such as 63d40b62c5).



    There is actually a simple way to do this. Please take a look at this blog post:

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware OpenSprinkler V1.0 Firmware missing