OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler OpenSprinkler vs. OSPI hardware and OS

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    I am looking to implement some form of OpenSprinkler to replace my existing system. I am fairly technical, can code, and have done a few Raspberry Pi projects and know my way around Raspian and Linux in general. So, I am trying to decide if I should get an OSPI + RPi or get the all-in-one OpenSprinkler. So my questions:

    1. Does the all-in-one OpenSprinkler have a Raspberry Pi inside, or is it some other type of microcomputer.
    2. Is the all-in-one OpenSprinkler running Rasbian or a similar OS?
    3. Can I log into (probably SSH) the all-in-one OpenSprinkler and setup my own programs/scripts/whatever and stuff to run on the system like I can on a Pi?
    4. Would the OSPI work well with a Raspberry Pi Zero if I wanted to run a few other things on it or is it too low spec?
    5. Does the all-in-one OpenSprinkler have other GPIO type pins (maybe inside the box and not exposed?) that can interface with other things?
    I know I would enjoy the all-in-one OpenSprinkler, but I know I would likely leverage also having a RPi in the same location.

    I searched the forums and FAQ and couldn’t get the answers I needed.

    Thanks for the help!



    The OS is based on an ESP8266 per Ray. It sounds like you’ll want the Pi version and the Pi Zero should work fine. Pi Zero reference



    Thank you Mike! This is what I was looking for! You rock!

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler OpenSprinkler vs. OSPI hardware and OS