OpenSprinkler › Forums › OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware › Openweathermap watering 0%
Tagged: ET0, OWM, WeatherUnderground, Zimmermann
- This topic has 68 replies, 15 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 5 months ago by
March 24, 2019 at 3:45 am #59442
CraigParticipantHello all quick question does the new weather data work in Australia I have the open sprinkler set to Albury and today its reported as 400mm on the open sprinkler, if I Goto openweathermap’s web site and look up Albury it shows 0.75mm. See images attached to topic
What could be causing this to happen?
Hardware is opensprinkler v2.3
We have also noticed the same thing on another opensprinkler v3 in another location in Australia.Ideas??
March 25, 2019 at 3:26 am #59459
psmedleyParticipantI’ve seen some similar results here in Adelaide. Thankfully, it doesn’t rain much here 😛
March 27, 2019 at 10:14 am #59477
paravisParticipantI’m having troubles as well. Water level is 0% no matter rain or shine.
March 29, 2019 at 2:33 am #59500
stevebParticipantSimilar here. It looks to me as if there is a software error in either the Openweather API or the Opensprinkler firmware. Its definately not getting the correct rainfall info.
March 29, 2019 at 2:35 pm #59506
BinaryOSParticipantBroken for me also. Currently reading 366mm rain on opensprinkler when it really should be under 20mm.
I thought I would be able to stay with weather underground as I have my own weather station so we get to continue using API but opensprinker has stopped working. Moved to OpenWeatherMap yesterday (missing out on personal weather station) and have this issue.
March 29, 2019 at 7:54 pm #59509
paravisParticipantYea – I think we might all have the same issue (or similar) going on. I made another thread too, because there are some differences.
In our case, the station we are now apparently using is far away. And I cannot confirm that OpenWeatherMap is even getting our data. They seem to have no way to verify that …
But the odd thing is the station that we are now using (?!) has had no rain at all recently, but we still have 0%.
Watering manually now these days … glad I caught it was 0% because we are about to get into the scorch season.
March 29, 2019 at 8:01 pm #59510
paravisParticipantThe wrong location we are getting weather from now hasn’t had any rain at all. All 0’s though.
March 29, 2019 at 8:04 pm #59512
paravisParticipanthey BinaryOS – are you sending your weather data to OpenWeatherMap?
I’m trying to figure out how to verify that it is receiving our weather data. But the user interface is terrible, and I am struggling.
It was great with WU when you could specify your own station. I wish OWM worked like that …
March 30, 2019 at 3:12 am #59514
BinaryOSParticipantOS has now gone to 60% watering, 0mm rain? that is not right.
No not uploading PWS to openweathermap 🙁 yes I agree the WU & PWS was great. The only reason I setup the PWS was for more accurate rainfall for Opensprinkler.
I’d be ok if Opensprinker worked with the new WU API key 🙁
March 30, 2019 at 9:13 pm #59519
stevebParticipantYou should be able to change your location in opensprinkler. Go to EditOptions>System and click on the “location” field and it will bring up a map and you can select your location.
March 30, 2019 at 11:54 pm #59522
BinaryOSParticipantMy ‘Location’ is right. I’m looking into using Weewx now, she’s setup and sniffing the data sent to WU. I’ll then either redirect the weather calls OS makes or just put it in manual and have the local weather server set the ‘manual’ watering level on OS. The ET value in Weemx is of interest, might use that to drive the water level.
March 31, 2019 at 4:34 am #59525
PeterParticipant@BinaryOS, I have done something similar. My Weather Station (Ambient) lets me re-direct the weather data to a server of my choice. Rather than using weewx as an intermediary, I modified a version of the OS Weather Service to accept a WU data stream directly. I run the modified weather service on my OSPi which keep everything local.
I’m not familiar with Weewx. How does it intercept the WU stream (DNS redirect ?). I’m interested in the comment about ET value. Does weewx calculate this from the WU data provided ?
March 31, 2019 at 2:55 pm #59533
paravisParticipantHello everyone, an update to my situation … So we’re finally getting >0% watering, though the number has been bouncing all over the place (between 10% and 45%) over the past couple hours. Currently at 22%.
Which leads me to believe that if I have my watering scheduled to start in the early morning (as opposed to the middle of the day, as it is now where I’m at) then my watering levels are going to be consistently near 0%. Even during the hotter period of the summer.
Another super odd issue I’m seeing is that only one of our stations is running “automatically” when the water level is >0%. Or maybe it is that it is barely over 0% and then goes to 0% partway during the programmed schedule?
We are using Meteobridge Pro for uploading our weather data. It’s been working great, though I can’t confirm whether the data is being sent to OpenWeatherMap. I did, however, find some documentation on how to actually get my weather data to go there (by creating the weather station thru raw API call). It’s very complicated, and I wish we could just nail down a specific method of reliably submitting and using our own weather data.
For example, we have a MySQL database that’s local here which has all of our weather station data saved each minute. It would be best if we could just have OpenSprinkler query that, instead of dealing with all these mad online services.
March 31, 2019 at 2:58 pm #59534
paravisParticipantI think I should also mention that OWM seems to be retrieving the nearest weather (not even sure it’s a personal weather station, either) to the GPS coordinates.
And the weather we’re getting is really not appropriate for where we’re at, even though it’s only 10 miles away. It is on the other side of the valley (I can see the area from my house) and they have remarkably different temperatures/humidities at each point of the day.
Short of programming my own watering app (PHP?) and controlling OS from that thru the API, or watering manually, I’m really not sure where to go from here.
March 31, 2019 at 3:23 pm #59535
CraigParticipantThis seems to be happening to alot of people is it only people in Australia or is the same thing happening in USA as well?? Even with the posts so far in the tread we haven’t had any comments from ray or the developers hopefully they can add some input here to help us all.
March 31, 2019 at 3:57 pm #59536
paravisParticipantYea USA here.
It’s got to have something to do with OpenWeatherMap.
I would say allow for some sort of local database connection and let us skip the middleman for local actual data, and then supplement that with forecast data from a public service.
Obviously if we are forecast for 100% chance for 100mm of rain, then maybe don’t water … but for the California watering restrictions or watering requirements in general, the existing weather history from that location should be able to know if the soil is or air is moist (or higher chance of). Then combine that with the forecast. Or maybe that’s already how it works.
Also would be excellent to use solar radiation or UV if our weather stations support it. We get some random days out of the year where the radiation spikes and big chunks of our bushes literally burn to a crisp. I would love if OS could also take that into consideration for recent weather.
We live where it is rock hard soil. And get both snow and nearly 48°C in summer. So I would also love to see some way of seasonal adjustment based on time of year. Based on Zimmerman, our winter adjustments should realistically be about 40% of our summer adjustments (after all adjustments are made).
Or more realistically, Spring should be baseline at 100%, summer at 130%, fall at 80% and winter at about 65% of what we currently (or used to before OWM) have adjusted.
If that makes any sense. Obviously off topic now …
April 1, 2019 at 1:36 am #59542
BinaryOSParticipant@paravis, now sure about ET level yet, it is still at Zero and I was expecting a value today. It updates at end of “archive” period so I might need to change something or simply WU data is lacking. More research required.
Eventually I’ll plan on having the weather station uploading to local Weewx and not WU, local Weewx will then upload to WU. Then that way if the internet/cloud service is down I’ll still be kicking :). For now it was simpler to sniff the traffic because no changes required to devices.
April 1, 2019 at 6:40 am #59543
mcmullerParticipantHello from Portugal,
I’ve the same problem with far too high perception numbers in OWM! It’s often around factor 10 too high!
GregorApril 1, 2019 at 8:54 am #59545
paravisParticipantBinaryOS, is Weemx a service or ? I saw some things on that, it’s where I learned how to add my PWS to OWM. Didn’t look much beyond that though.
Side note, so I checked watering level right now, when our stations are programmed to run, and it is 0%. So nothing is running. By midday yesterday, the watering level was at about 45%. But for our programmed times, definitely not helping.
This is much different behavior than when WU was used.
April 1, 2019 at 12:32 pm #59551
BinaryOSParticipant“WeeWX is a free, open source, software program, written in Python, which interacts with your weather station to produce graphs, reports, and HTML pages. It can optionally publish to weather sites or web servers. It uses modern software concepts, making it simple, robust, and easy to extend.” bonus is it has a good following so a lot of the work already done, lots of options.
One of the jobs of the linux machine here is commanding OS to run water sprays for cooling the chickens when temperature is above xx, so WeeWX has been now added and will take over the watering level also.
April 1, 2019 at 12:43 pm #59552
paravisParticipantI see. So does WeeWX have native built-in support for OS? Or is that something you have to manually add and then connect using the API?
The chicken cooling is similar to what we want to do. Some days in summer here are ultra-hot and in winter are very cold, and so we would love to drip some extra water depending on weather events.
April 3, 2019 at 4:08 am #59571
BinaryOSParticipantNo built in support. I’ve not had a chance yet to further look into it.
April 3, 2019 at 12:33 pm #59574
Andy BaconParticipantHow the F can this still be broken? The weather feature is in constant state of disarray. This major feature of the system is constantly broken. No one chime in from Open Sprinkler to these post. This function is on the server side. Take a min at lunch today and fix! Step in the forms and at least say yea we are working on it! Give a ETA on the fix! Support your product!!!! I will not have any of my customers move to this product because of this broken feature but more so the lack of response to this issue.
April 5, 2019 at 4:59 pm #59603
BinaryOSParticipantWatering level system now running locally. OS Now using local weewx info (via Opensprinkler-weather service) for watering level calculation.
Locally running Opensprinkler-weather service, weather.js:
Updated to use float values (original service rounds values to nearest whole number, resulting in watering level change in larger increments)
Replaced execution of getOWMWeatherData function with new getWeewxWeatherData function to read JSON formatted report from local web server.
In future may also implement wind and solar values into calculation.Weewx:
Created a report in JSON format to provide data for Opensprinkler-weather, for now trialing using the last 3 days of averaged data for watering level.
(Note: Seems original WU humidity was (Low+High)/2, not the average value for the period)Opensprinker:
Couldn’t get OS to call the weather service set using the setting in http://osipaddr/su , so have redirected connections to to local webserver.April 6, 2019 at 5:10 am #59605
BinaryOSParticipantLooking like OWM weather level is a bit over the place, now I’m wondering what WU was like. Today was warmer than yesterday and evening temperature is warmer so can understand increase in watering level as the day goes on but I’m finding the watering level dropping away strange. Times intervals nothing special, just random times I checked as I was seeing how the weewx 3 day report functioned in comparison.
Time Source Watering Level
12:10 OWM 99%, WEEWX 95%
12:44 OWM 103%, WEEWX 95%
15:26 OWM 99%, WEEWX 100%
15:58 OWM 105%, WEEMX 100%
17:07 OWM 117%, WEEMX 100%
18:00 OWM 120%, WEEMX 100%
18:30 OWM 114%, WEEMX 100%
19:00 OWM 108%, WEEMX 100%
19:30 OWM 100%, WEEMX 100%
20:30 OWM 86%, WEEMX 100%
21:08 OWM 86%, WEEMX 100% -
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OpenSprinkler › Forums › OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware › Openweathermap watering 0%