Hi, I’m trying to code a little program in Python just to be able to change inside the programs that are in interval mode the remainder from 0 to 1, just to postpone that program till ‘tomorrow’ if a boolean that detects rain for the day is true. This is as easy as changing the second byte in ‘config’ from 0 to 1. The thing is that even from the web browser is not working well for me and is changing without any reason the tasks in the program ‘pt’ (and I am not changing them). And example, please try it by yourself with your own data and OSBee:
If my only current program is as stated from jp command directly:
{“tmz”:56,”progs”:[{“config”:131203,”sts”:[1200,-1,-1,-1,-1],”nt”:3,”pt”:[153601,153602,153604],”name”:”Program 1″}]}
If I put (according to the API) this URL, ONLY CHANGING the ‘config’ 3 byte long integer:
http://myIP/cp?dkey=opendoor&pid=0&config=131459&sts=%5B1200,-1,-1,-1,-1%5D&nt=3&pt=%5B153601,153602,153604%5D&name=Program 1
As a result I get:
And then if I check the program with the jp command, this is what I get:
{“tmz”:56,”progs”:[{“config”:131459,”sts”:[1200,0,-1,0,-1],”nt”:3,”pt”:[153601,0,153602],”name”:”Program 1″}]}
As you can see, I got to change the config number correctly from 131203 to 131459 but without any apparent reason the program tasks ‘pt’ have been modified too. Can anyone help me to solve this?, it seems a bug to me, but maybe I’m doing something wrong. Thank you!