OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware OSBee board and OS 3.x


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    Just so that I am clear – can someone confirm that if I get the OpenSprinkler Bee board (which appears to be based on OSBWifi 2.0 and ESP 8266), I should be able to install OpenSprinkler 3.x firmware, based on the ESP8266 instructions here:

    Is this correct?



    No, the OpenSprinkler firmware does NOT run on OSBee. Instead, OSBee has its own firmware. It’s possible to compile the OpenSprinkler firmware for OSBee, since they are based on the same ESP8266 chip, but that requires firmware changes to accommodate the way OSBee controls latching solenoids.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware OSBee board and OS 3.x