OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests OSPi case and display

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    I love the display on the original OpenSprinkler, but the flexibility and computing power of the Raspberry PI. Here’s what I’d like to see:

    • An expansion header soldered to the OpenSprinkler Pi plus board (there’s already a spot for it.
    • An LCD board that plugs into the header above
    • A case top to fit over it all. I would suggest that original base be used (to minimize production costs) and a new top made that can house the LCD board. Also, there should be knockouts in all the right places for Ethernet, USB, etc.


    I second that. All of the above (I could solder the header). I would also like to see buttons for some local control. Something like the Adafruit LCD for the pi – although it uses a different chip than what is being worked on for an open sprinkler pi lcd. And there is physical interference with the case mounting posts.

    Would be nice if the ethernet and USB connectors were closer to the side of the case so things could be plugged and unplugged. I am guessing it was done that way so a wireless USB dongle would fit inside the case…



    I hear your requests. A while back I blogged about a prototype of OSPi A+ version:
    which is aimed to make OSPi as similar as possible to the fully assembled OpenSprinkler, with buttons, LCD, and everything fits inside the same enclosure. I just never got time to completely finish this product.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests OSPi case and display