I’m trying to set up an OpenSprinklerPi system and since I’m nearly illiterate when it comes to configuration I’ve just been following the steps others have posted. I have set up a WiFi dongle and then I tried to set it to be a static port.
Everything worked perfectly when I had it connected to a monitor by HDMI. I was able to get on a laptop and go do the static ip I had set, able to set station schedules, everything.
When I disconnect rebooted without the HDMI display it seems the Pi refuses to connect to the home WiFi. If I have an ethernet wired connection then there are no problems.
I can connect with ethernet cable and no HDMI without issue. The only problem I have is when I try to connect using the wifi dongle and do not have an HDMI connection. Other forums have suggested that I needed to do the rpi-update which has been completed. Others suggested modifying /boot/config.txt to uncomment the line “hdmi_force_hotplug=1”. I have done both of these and am still unable to use the wifi without the hdmi connected.
Is there something I’m missing? Any suggestions would be very appreciated.